Friday, April 29, 2011

DiRT 3 available for pre-order, includes Traxxas Ken Block R/C Fiesta [w/video]

The third installment in the DiRT video game franchise, DiRT 3 hits stores on 24 May 2011. It costs $ 59.99 for a copy that is steep, but in line with the pricing for today's video games. If you hide a few coins under the couch cushions have, but then GameStop a tempting product bundle for you. Spend $ 299, for a copy of DiRT 3 reserve, and you get the Traxxas Ken Block R / C Ford Fiesta.

If you already thought about buying the radio Gymkhana machine, this is very much, for it raises essentially the game for free. If, like us, you were thinking of buying the Codemasters game, and you currently have R / C cars on the brain, this means around, you have to explain to your wife why the American Express bill shows a GameStop sales for most of the Five times the amount previously discussed

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