Friday, April 29, 2011

Video: Tanner returns in Driver: San Francisco

Get excited, kids. The Driver franchise is back with a new chapter, and this time the story takes the loss to San Francisco. Our good friends at Joystiq have to spend a little time behind the controls of the game before the start. The action takes after the Driv3r, which means we finished playing around in the late 70s. Ubisoft Reflections has taken the trouble to make a good portion of the city, Marin County, East Bay Iceland and Treasure of our agonizing pleasure, although away to Joystiq, this is not the most interesting part of the gameplay.

Early in the campaign spending, our hero, Tanner lands in a coma and the rest of the story haunting San Francisco and has random rider on the trail of the infamous Jericho. Apparently, players can grab any vehicle they see press simply by lining up a crosshair and a key. It sounds a little wobbly on us, but that does not mean that we do not flop a few hours the light of our life on fire on the couch with Driver: San Fracisco if it lands in August this year. Hit the jump for a video.

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