Friday, April 29, 2011

Video: Short film depicts the definition of 'triumph'

If you are not interested in motorcycles, mechanics or old machines, it is probably best skip this post. You see, the short film after the jump is perhaps the best illustration of the ups and downs with the three riders find that we've ever seen on screen. The video shows footage of a much longer single-edged Triumph motorcycle on the open landscape. It is exactly what every motorcyclist when the words "perfect" ride "and worm their way into the conversation believed. There is no traffic and no bad weather - just miles of meandering asphalt and nowhere to be.

But our hero driver runs into a bit of a mechanical hiccups when he stops for a while. Fuel flooding of the cylinder, and despite his efforts, he is a raging ball of frustration after desperately trying to start to know the motorcycle reduced. Provide details of when the crew on Visordown, the scene of the visual design of the famous line of Robert M Pirsig's "If the machine produces tranquility it's right If it bothers you it is wrong until either the machine or changed your mind.."

We will not spoil the end for you, but if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, you know, the thrill of victory only too well. Hit the jump to check out Blazer for themselves.

Blazer from Daniel Crouch on Vimeo.

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