Friday, April 22, 2011

Video: Brammo Enertia and Icon Motorsports visit Rose City Rollers

The children of Icon Motorsports are hitting this whole viral marketing thing square on the money in those days. The bike-apparel company has just released a new video to hawk his wares and turned the clip with a trifecta of awesome to see the world probably will not again anytime soon. The clip enlists the help of the Rose City Rollers - some of the most common women's roller derby - and includes performances by one of the most iconic vehicles per cruise from Northern Ireland. That's right, the DeLorean DMC-12.

The last part of this amazing cake comes in the form of two Brammo Enertia tow bikes. We fully support from the idea of adding a little speed on the entire Roller Derby throw-in, and what better way to do this when all the power used by a few electric motorcycles? Hit the jump, a look at the full clip to take for themselves, only warned that it might not be entirely safe for work, depending on how strict your overlords.

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