Friday, February 25, 2011

Video: Mercury spokesmodel Jill Wagner defects to GM for Inside The Vault

The first few episodes of Inside the Vault, the new General Motors vehicle marketing, have officially hit the airwaves. The clips feature some familiar faces from around the automotive sector, including the beautiful Jill Wagner, the former face of Mercury. Motor Trend editor Angus MacKenzie and comedian Alonzo Bodden to stop and give host Chris Collinsworth, a hand like GM sees what a great guy trip. Needless to say, the car of choice of a Cadillac CTS coupe during one of the segments, but surprisingly, the video series has obviously not come hell, what is for you to develop over the head with the fact that the whole program was shill for GM vehicles. They are even mostly entertaining.

The on-air personalities do not seem stilted or overly helps Bodden script and throw some needed levity. We have to feel a little pain of sympathy for Wagner, though. As the only woman on the cast, it is left to defend women against the current world of machismo as an ambassador of her sex.

Hit the jump to check to see the clips for yourself, and your head about Inside The Vault more episodes.

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