Thursday, February 24, 2011

GM, Chrysler reportedly bail on Tokyo Motor Show

Detroit automakers have never had much success in Japan's automobile market had closed. This was clearly a key factor for the Detroit Three's decision, the Tokyo Motor Show in 2009 and skip at least two of the three apparently not return in 2011.

AutoWeek reported that General Motors and Chrysler announced that it will skip Tokyo later this year. Ford has not yet officially announced when they will attend the event, and a spokesman said the company allegedly AW, that the automaker has not "ruled out the motor will show in our priorities. " The move makes sense in light of weak sales in the country. GM only sold about 2,000 vehicles per year in the land of the rising sun, while Ford sold 3047 units supposedly in 2010.

The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association said that most European car manufacturers, including the German luxury makes is to attend the event.

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