Monday, February 28, 2011

Street Spirit: Race car artist draws inspiration from graffiti

In the film "Exit through the gift shop, we get an insight into the world of street art, as I have said to us by Banksy and Thierry Guetta (aka Mr. Brainwash, or MBW). This film received rave reviews and is nominated for an Academy Award for best documentary. It also serves as an inspiration for Xander Walker Street Version (street version) work of art.
Mr. Walker combines graffiti art with his love for motor sports. The result is affordable street art depicting vehicles that hold a special place in the hearts of many motor sports enthusiasts. We can explain Xander, as he does:

Creating the template itself can take several hours. then I spray paint the different layers on acid-free paper £ 50 (14 x 17 ") male. I put them in my garage allows 15 minutes for the color before painting the next layer is dry.

I started this in late November. I have long been a fan of Street Art, and the idea came to me after a long McLaren MP4 / 4 Photo and Info Internet binge, the vision of the film coincided with my "Exit Through The Gift Shop". I initially thought they would look good painted around parking areas of race tracks around the world. I have a template and tried a test print on paper. I thought it looked good, and I've seen up for sale at a low price just to see what would happen. Someone bought one almost immediately.

Street art and is naturally anti-establishment. Auto racing is for me also inherently anti-establishment. People are killed, and it can be generally stubborn, Thrill investigated lifestyle. I think the template is good medium to capture the outlaw spirit of Ayrton Senna and motor sports are generally suitable.
The pieces range from $ 25 to $ 50, and each is signed by hand, limited example. You can view the rest of Xander Walker's work on its online store and view high-res pictures in the gallery below. We will certainly save some of these for Autoblog's Holiday Gift Guide 2012 ...

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