Thursday, February 24, 2011

Report: House votes 'overwhelmingly' to block E15 fuel

According to The Detroit News, the U.S. House of Representatives has voted to approve the Environmental Protection Agency in moving towards more ethanol in gasoline blend America's block. House of Representatives voted 286-135 against allowing the EPA for a waiver it wants to sell gas stations to E15, spend. Currently, E10 stations may only sell up to 10 percent of the biofuel. The new legislation would sell a 50 percent increase in the amount of ethanol in every liter of gasoline. Representative John Sullivan (R-Oklahoma) attached an amendment to the bill that funds the U.S. government effectively killed the legislation by September.

During the Renewable Fuels Association criticized the decision to stop dispensing E15, several groups have been thoroughly against the increase of ethanol. These include all of the Specialty Equipment Market Association, the American Association baker.

The EPA has already made for E15 vehicles approved after 2001, but some groups fear that a higher mix of the Bank was filed corrosive older engines. Meanwhile, supporters of the increase argue that larger amounts of ethanol to help lower America's dependence on foreign oil.

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