Friday, February 25, 2011

Report: Motorists file class action suit against Florida toll road for... taking hostages?

Florida drivers are officially through the actions of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Faneuil Inc. The latter is a private firm hired by the FDOT, fed to manage its operations tollgate. A class action lawsuit filed against both parties said that toll booth operators have kept cash-payment car driver hostage.

Pay with cash caused an increase in operating costs for Faneuil because workers are needed to handle the money and change it. In an apparent attempt to dissuade drivers from paying with cash, the operators are required to fill Bill Detection Report toll. The license plate number, car make and model and driver's license are written all the information. The barrier is not released until this information is delivered, and many drivers feel that policy is out of control. For his part, would prefer that drivers Faneeil SunPass automated system that would switch to help reduce operating costs.

The lawsuit alleges that civil rights are violated and claims this is a form of deprivation of liberty. Neither have commented on the FDOT or the Faneuil action.

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