Thursday, February 17, 2011

Meet the Italian and British cars appearing in Cars 2 [w/video]

Pixar has unveiled five new characters from the upcoming film Cars 2nd Since the seqie; done on a global stage, the characters are from all over the world, with the five youngest members of the family originated Cars 2 from Italy and the United Kingdom.

Francesco Bernoulli is a Formula racer champion and its biggest fan uncle Topolino - sent to the tiny Fiat he named after the model - a tire-shop is in the small town of Porto Corso, Italy. His wife, Mama Topolino is a great cook who dishes out Delizioso fuel.

Axlerod miles is a former oil baron turned all-electric sport utility vehicle. He is joined by a doppelganger in the form of Aston Martin Nigel Gearsley. Nigel is a former mountain climber who has been touring events.

In addition to this latest crop of characters you can see the full set of Cars 2 players in our high-res gallery below, and then pass directly to Francesco Bernoulli, see Axelrod and Nigel Miles on Gearsley Cars 2 turntables.


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