Thursday, February 17, 2011

Reuters: Montezemolo denies plans for Ferrari listing

Despite the predictions that many analysts in the past year, it looks like neither Ferrari Fiat still has any interest in the key list of the super sports car manufacturer as a separate entity from its parent company. According to Reuters, Ferrari CEO Luca Cordero di Montezemolo said that there are no plans to list the company, and that while such a project can appear in the next four to five years, it is not something on the table at the moment . Montezemolo made the comments while speaking with foreign media, and he added that it is possible that Ferrari can never ever be listed.

Just last year, analysts predicted that Fiat was considering a separate list for the Prancing Horse. Fiat currently has about 85 percent of the Maranello-based automaker, though, when the reports surfaced, the company announced that a separate list for Ferrari only one of several different strategies that at the time of the investigation.

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