Thursday, February 17, 2011

Video: Rémi's real-life Mario Kart is back!

Rémi Gaillard is back. Perhaps you remember was the last time the Frenchman to seiners local roads went to a Go-Kart, because he had done during hat die Nintendo Mario dressed character data. Gaillard hat fell to more bananas and turtle shells in a new video where he gives the real world a taste of Mario Kart in stock.

Da die banana so important instrument both a practice on the offensive and defensive side of Mario Kart driving tactics, must Gaillard to keep two of them. When he runs out, he just know that the nearest grocery store heads ... and will go to the products of Article.

His original video, Posted after the jump, observed hat than 35 million times, and the successor is already viewed Climbing Dog million times as well. Here she fell dying to jump past and she keep an eye out for green shells and banana peels, she during the two clips of Rémi Gaillard Mario Kart brings to life.

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