Friday, January 21, 2011

Hyundai shows off two of this year's Super Bowl commercials

Hyundai has bought as many as four 30-second spots during this year's Super Bowl, what we can only imagine is more money than we make in three lifetimes. Two of these spots illuminated sell the Hot-Sonate, while the other two have been reserved to get the word out about new 2011 Hyundai Elantra is.
In fact, the Elantra is part of a much larger marketing campaign kick-off this weekend with new commercials, which aired during the NFL's AFC Championship Game. The thing is, you could not have said these ads are for a Hyundai, because they are not brands, not forgetting the company or even by car.
This, my friends, is how to do viral marketing company (Note: You may not want to tell us that you do something viral, because it is not more viral). Without mentioning the product they are trying to sell are, this broadcast pre-Super Bowl commercials during the AFC Championship Game, with more ads in print and on the Internet, the conspiracy highlight compact car buyers, brainwashing, poor design and accept a lack of innovation in exchange for objectivity and reliability. Then, during the Super Bowl, Hyundai Elantra will show the two in connection with commercials, what was the rest of the non-branded marketing campaign to sell really try. That is, the Elantra. Clever, except for the part where we said before, what are the secret spots are all about.
Check out the Elantra, the two Super Bowl commercials for yourself after the jump.

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