Thursday, January 20, 2011

Judge: First Toyota lawsuits likely to go on trial in 2013

It looks like it will take some time before Toyota comes bundled into the courtroom for the first of the mountain of complaints that have been by a federal judge in regard to sudden acceleration claims.

A federal judge has said he wants to be the first of the cases in the early months of 2013 to try. That is, the pre-trial discovery evidence to be wrapped up 2012 to the end of the year. U.S. District Judge James V. Selna made the announcement at a hearing on 14 January. For those who follow, Toyota is staring down the barrel of 400 complaints related to the recall of more than 8 million vehicles.

According to Bloomberg, Selna especially defense lawyers called on "bellwether"cases developed to select the claims of both plaintiffs and defendants in the test sooner rather than later. The report shows that lawyers have agreed on both sides of the cases Selna time table.

Meanwhile, another series of cases of personal injury are set to go on trial in Texas in February or March of 2012.

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