Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Video: BMW examining future of mobility in four-part documentary

We have spent a lifetime obsessed with the next stage in human transportation saga. Constantly dissatisfied with the modest car, we have more and more towards rocket ships, jet packs and personal flying contraptions different design to take care of transferring saw us take in more comfortable and faster than ever before thought of work. BMW seems to be ready, called in this universe with its new four-part documentary on the future of mobility Wherever You Want to Go wade. The film delves into the different forms of what we as a futuristic transport by speaking with each of Buzz Aldrin on Syd Meade, Robin Chase, and Marissa Mayer.

If you think this sounds like a car manufacturer to rally troops against the internal combustion engine, do not be so sure. The short trailer for the film offers a ride in a Superbird clone, it can not be bad. Hit the jump to enjoy the trailer. BMW is the movies on 1 February, 8, 15 and 22 Release, so stay tuned.

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