Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ferrari Developing Mind-Reading Car?

The step into the cockpit of a sleek Ferrari's is enough to beat anyone's pulse. But what if that was a bad thing? Italy's most famous motoring brand, is working on an in-car system that monitors a driver's mental state at the wheel, according to a British car magazine. Effective future mind-blowing read Ferraris also driver's head.
The idea behind the device is Thaat Ferrari driver, only a little excited - go figure - and this could result in increased state it more dangerous to drive. The operation is that a number of sensors in the cabin is a driver's heart rate, blood pressure, facial and monitor brain activity. The sensors will act to increase the security by demonstrating not only a state of excitement, but also by monitoring a driver's alertness or fatigue, their blink rate. The performance of the vehicle will be adjusted automatically by the car stability control systems.
Some car manufacturers such as Volvo already contain so-called heartbeat sensors in their cars, although to recognize them, whether an intruder is hiding in the back seat. Stability and traction control in most new performance cars (and increasingly mid-range vehicles) often override driver reactions, if they are deemed to be unsafe. GM and Ford recently unveiled their plans for cars that automatically adjusts to factors outside the control of a driver, including road and traffic conditions.
According to Autocar, Ferrari has filed a number of global patent applications, that said: "Drivers tend to charge - to assess in particular - their driving skills and, more importantly, their psycho-physical condition, with the result that driver-vehicle selected dynamic performance reflects only the drivers do, than the driver's actual physical condition and mental abilities against. "
He continued: "The biometric sensors can use a piezoelectric device for measuring the driver's breath, a device for measuring the driver's blood pressure and heart rate, a television camera for monitoring the driver's eyes (blink rate) to the driver's seat to determine vigilance, a comprehensive device for monitoring the electrical activity of the brain of the driver, a device for recording the driver's surface temperature and a device for measuring the conductivity of the skin of the driver (to determine the degree of welding). "
While stopping short to suggest that ultimately drive the car himself, Ferrari takes the ingenuity of the concept of car drivers and connectivity to a new level. Although Ferrari, says the technology is "non-invasive," driver probably capable of their own performance by the feeling of the car, the response monitored. Effectively, the performance of the vehicle, a measure of their own. Spooky, right?
There remain questions about the legal implications should a car that his performance had to be shifted down electronically involved in an accident. There is no word yet on whether the cars would be a sensor drivers detect alcohol consumption. And of course we would also ask, what's the point of owning a Ferrari, whose power could change, literally on the fly without having to check the driver able to store about pulling a fast recovery.
Paul Green, a driver Interaction Research Professor at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, said, AOL Autos, that the challenge to make car manufacturers face a surveillance system that is both reliable and inexpensive. He predicts that such systems will become commonplace one day go on trucks for long distance service, but asked if it would do something typical Ferrari buyer in their car.
"If I buy a Ferrari I want to have fun. Why should something that affected their performance?" He said.
In addition to monitoring fatigue, he said that it might be useful in monitoring the first-time buyers' reactions or forensic measure driver reactions in the moments before a road-rage incident, or high-speed crash.
"Fair as heart beat is simple, people want it in laboratory studies, but the monitoring, if people could close the eyes to be a better indicator of fatigue. One of the most promising is the camera's face and eye's go look. It can detect not only to detect drowsiness, but also that distracted the driver, "he said.
Earlier this month, GM gave an early glimpse into its plans for a car and driver interaction in this year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. By collecting road and traffic data and then aggregating the data from many cars as found on the EN-V concept, believes GM can build an accurate picture of a driving environment and its vehicles can respond accordingly. Ford engineers recently told AOL cars of the importance of a car interact with the "ecosphere" around him, describing it as an essential part of its strategy for the future.
No matter how it all played out, is Ferrari's research is a sign that the driver is in many more seat.Driving a car and its environment than the car park behind the driver's door by the seat of the pants can become a matter of past.

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